Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Abide in My Love, You Sheep of My Flock!


My children, my peace be with you.

The dawn of a new dawn will come to you and with it the reign of our Two Hearts. Be confident and let yourselves be led as meek lambs doing the will of your Father. Again I say to you, do not be afraid of the events that are coming; remember the words of my Psalm 91, a thousand shall fall at your left hand and ten thousand at your right hand, but nothing shall happen to you, for he has given orders to his Angels, that they may protect you in all your ways, that they may carry you in their arms, that your foot may not stumble over any stone. (Psalm 91.11,12).

Therefore do not be afraid, I am your Shepherd who never sleeps and who lays down his life for his sheep. Abide in my sheepfold; listen to my voice when I call you and enter by the door; I am the door through which my sheep enter; I am their food, their way, truth and life. Come to Me, you sheep of My flock, and I will give you the best of Me; you shall eat the best of My table until you are satisfied, for great is My love and everlasting is My mercy to all those who listen to My voice and keep My precepts.

My eternal fold awaits you sheep of my flock; a new heavens and a new earth keep for you my faithful sheep. Peace, joy, and life in the spirit will be your delights, you will call upon me and I will be with you, I will be your refuge and shelter. Abide in my love, for love casts out all fear, love is all-powerful, all-forgiving, not conceited, not proud, not self-seeking, all-excusing, all-believing, all-expecting, all-tolerant (1 Corinthians 13.4,7).

I invite you my children to remain in these times united in love; let us help one another, so that the power of love may destroy all selfishness, all resentment, all hatred, all pride, arrogance, base passions, and every work of the flesh that is not in communion with the Spirit. Renounce all these sheep of my flock; you are no longer of this world, you are the sheep of the Eternal Shepherd, who awaits you in his Eternal Fold, to give you his love, his peace and his life in abundance. I am your Shepherd, Jesus, the Eternal Shepherd of the sheep. Make known my messages of salvation to the whole world.

Source: ➥
