Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Who will protect you if you do not return to Me?

Messages from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 29.09.2022 (5:07 p.m)

Pay attention to Me, men!

Do not turn a deaf ear!

Allow Me to help lift you from the mire of death.

I am your One Good, I am your God Love, your Creator.

Do not be foolish; lift up your hearts to the Most High.

Do not allow Satan to play you to death.

My children, now a great storm will come in to bring havoc and sorrow.

Repent quickly! I await your awakening so that I may help you.

Cry out to Me your desire to be Mine, and I will not leave you alone; I will take you in Me, I will lift you from the ice that has entered your hearts because of sin.

Another sun is about to rise: it is the Sun of Justice!

Do not waste time My children, everything is on the ropes, the tumult of war is now strong. The horde of demons moves westward!

I warn My people of the great danger now at the gates. Man is still clinging to the things of this world!

Wake up My children, repent! ... pray! Save yourselves My children, purify yourselves! Soon all that you see today will be erased to make room for the Things of God!

The earth will shake, .... will open!

The sun is at the rejection stage;

fiery tongues will penetrate the Earth and its belly will explode.

The water of the seas will boil over!

My children, do you fully understand what you are up against?

Who will protect you if you do not return to Me?

Who will be able to save you My children?


Perhaps Satan?

Be vigilant men, be vigilant! Convert yourselves!

The hour is dark! Demons roam the Earth seeking to seize your souls and, if you do not secure them in Me your Creator God, death will have them "its own."

Beloved children, this My warning is because I love you and all want to save you, grant you life and not death. Amen!

Source: ➥
