Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Prepare Yourselves for the Meeting with Your God Love

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 26, 2023


Like the sun I will warm you, I will put in you a new heart, a pure heart, will be radiant with Me, of My own Light you will shine.

Beloved ones,

your going will be in My ways, those of Infinite Love. I will sing to you My immense Love:

at My sweet song your hearts will vibrate! In your eyes a new light will be kindled,

immense joy and infinite love will come to you! My Hands will take your hands,

I will accompany you to a festive dance that will never end, ... you will no longer have to suffer. Behold, Heaven will take you into Itself and fill you with Itself, you will be "new men", you will be Image and Likeness of your God Love.

Manage yourselves in love, set an example of good things, and in your charity hail Him who created you.

Purify yourselves O men, prepare yourselves for the meeting with your God Love, ...His intervention is at hand: everything will be renewed; Good will reign, ... Evil will fall.

My beloved Children, I come to renew all things: My Creature shall be in Me and live in the grace of His Creator God. Stand in Truth, My Children, do not be dazzled by the false lights of this world!

Oh you who know Me ... oh you who hail My Holy Name, verily I say to you: stand waiting for Me, do not weigh down your hearts with sin, loosen yourselves from the chains of the devil, yearn for Life, abide in Me! A new sun is about to rise , ...a Sun of eternal life!

My children, you are about to enter to enjoy what I have prepared for you, My Garden awaits you with all its fragrant flowers and delicious fruits:

... you will dance barefoot on the green grass of my meadows,

you will dance and hymn Me, the sweet Scent of life! God Is!

Source: ➥
